It’s always exciting to come across a job posting that really interests you. After submitting your application, you check your messages constantly, hoping to find an interview invitation. Hearing crickets is frustrating, especially when it becomes apparent your application is never going to be acknowledged. Identifying the specific reason you didn’t hear back may not… Read more »
Working with a recruiter can be a great way to bolster your job search; however, not all are created equal. Many staffing professionals try to do it all by landing any placement they can get. They might help you get hired, but probably won’t put you in your dream government job. Realize your full potential… Read more »
Ultimately, the goal as recruiters and hiring managers during the application process is to find out how candidates will impact your bottom line. The more certainty a recruiter has of a candidate’s abilities to improve their company, the easier it is to consider them a suitable candidate. With this in mind, the best way to… Read more »
Time management is a common struggle for employees in many industries. Whether you work in the healthcare field, in tech or in a government role, it seems like everyone is either too busy or too far behind. That’s the bad news. The good news is there are TONS of useful strategies for helping your employees… Read more »
Re-entering the workforce after a long break is no easy task. Jobs can be hard to come by for active professionals, so having a recent gap in your work history makes your skills a tougher sell. However, there are ways to turn this daunting task into a life-changing experience if you have the right approach…. Read more »
Looking for a new job – and a competitive edge? Try keywords in your resume to set yourself apart. With the high volume of resumes hiring managers receive for every open position, many companies employ keyword scanning software to search for certain words, eliminating resumes that don’t feature critical industry terms. Making it past the… Read more »