February is designated as American Heart Month to advocate cardiovascular health and raise awareness about heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for about one in every four deaths. That’s why since 1963, American Heart Month has focused attention on ways to promote… Read more »
Writing job postings may seem like a pretty cut and dried task. But the reality is if you want to attract top talent quickly, your posting needs to be crafted to attract attention. And for a growing number of HR professionals, hiring managers and company executives, disclosing salary information in the job post is becoming… Read more »
“Employee turnover.” As a hiring manager or HR professional, you’ve likely been dealing with a lot of that over the past couple of years. Due in large part to the COVID outbreak – and changing views on what “work” means to a younger generation – keeping your current workers happy, while attracting the best available… Read more »
For many people, a “morning routine” means hitting the snooze button a couple of times, jumping out of bed, showering, gulping down a few cups of coffee while checking their phone, and running out the door. That’s not a routine – it’s a recipe for disaster. Having a proper morning routine is said to boost… Read more »
Before we discuss whether or not multitasking is a best practice, let’s define the term: Multitasking is attempting to do more than two things simultaneously. But is multitasking really a good way to go about your work day? Many managers and workers think it is. But according to various experts, our brains don’t handle multitasking… Read more »
While the topic of workplace diversity has been top of mind for a number of years, its importance has never been as “front burner” as it is today. With the growing globalization of today’s economy, achieving diversity in the workplace is a smart move to make. If you’re a business owner wondering about the merits… Read more »
Feeling underappreciated, left out or ignored at work can have tremendously negative effects on a worker’s well-being. But what does feeling “included” at work even mean? And how can managers foster an environment where all employees — regardless of age, race, gender, or personality type — feel valued? Making sure an employee fits in is an… Read more »
As a healthcare professional, it’s almost inevitable that the past two years have been the busiest and most stressful of your career. Therefore, taking breaks might seem like a luxury you can’t afford, but they’re more important than you probably realize. Stopping to rest throughout your shift is essential to your health because your body… Read more »
Finding a new nursing job is hard work. From searching through job postings to creating custom resumes and preparing for interviews, the mere thought of putting yourself out there can feel simultaneously exhausting and terrifying. What you might not realize is you don’t have to navigate this process on your own. Staffing firms help nurses take… Read more »
As a healthcare professional, you treat all kinds of patients. Some are very outgoing, while others are much more reserved. Caring for the latter is often more difficult, because they don’t always speak up and tell you everything that’s wrong. Obviously, the more information you’re able to gather, the better the care you’re able to… Read more »