
Hiring a new employee is a very big deal, so companies want to cover all the bases. Not only do they seek candidates with all the right skills on paper, they also want to make sure the person they choose has the soft skills needed to succeed. 

If you’re considered a top contender for the job, you’ll almost definitely be asked a selection of behavioral interview questions to gauge your fit. Here’s a look at five intangible skills that will set you apart from the competition. 

Team Player 

You’d be hard-pressed to find a job that doesn’t involve working with others. Therefore, employers want to know you’re a team player with natural collaboration skills. Highlight this ability by sharing instances where you joined forces with your peers to complete a project and realize outstanding results. 


Things don’t always go as planned, so employers need workers who can change plans on a dime. This can be frustrating, but it’s often necessary to keep up with the fast-paced business world. Make it clear this isn’t a problem for you by describing a time you were forced to make last-minute — inconvenient — adjustments, but chose to roll with the punches and persevere.  


No one wants to hire someone who can’t be trusted. Any employer worth your time would never ask you to compromise your values, so proudly display your ability to hold your head up and do what’s right. Display this by sharing an instance where you were put in a potentially sticky situation, but chose to do what was right — even if it wasn’t easy. 


In business, no two days are the same, so managers need employees who can think on their feet. Coming up with creative solutions to problems is key because a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. Showcase your problem-solving skills by describing a situation that required you to display creative thinking to reach a resolution. 


Making big decisions can be very stressful, but someone has to do it. Managers want to know they can count on employees to use their best judgment when faced with a dilemma. Prove you’re the right fit by explaining your decision-making process and highlighting an instance where you had to make a tough call on the spot. 

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Ready to take the next step in your career? Management Registry, Inc. wants to help. Contact us today to get started! 

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