You just landed an incredible new career opportunity, and — rightfully so — you’re super excited. Right now, all you can think about is the exciting future that lies ahead, but before you can get started, you have to quit your current job.
No matter how you feel about your employer, you need to resign the right way. Taking the high road is the only professional thing to do, and it will help you avoid uncomfortable situations in the future. If you leave on bad terms, you won’t be able to use your boss as a reference and you’ll feel awkward when you run into your colleagues again — which will happen.
5 Tips to Avoid Burning Bridges After Accepting a New Job
Break the News to Your Boss First
Whether you like your manager or not, they need to be the first to know of your imminent departure. Workplace gossip travels fast, so if they hear you’re leaving from someone else, they’re going to be upset. Thank them for the opportunity to be part of the team and all you’ve learned under their watch.
Give Plenty of Notice
It might be tempting to walk into your boss’s office, quit your job, and never look back, but this will reflect poorly on you. Provide at least two weeks’ notice, so you have time to tie up loose ends. This will give your manager the chance to come up with a transition plan and at least start the hiring process, before your last day.
Document Your Tasks
Chances are, your boss won’t be able to find your replacement before your final day on the job. In the interim, your pertinent responsibilities will be probably divided among your colleagues, so ease the shift by writing clear documentation for your job duties. Even if you walk your colleagues through them, having something to reference will be appreciated. When your replacement is hired, this will also be crucial to their training process.
Maintain a Positive Attitude
It’s not a good look to trash your employer. If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep your head down and remain humble. You want to leave on a positive note, so resist the urge to air any grievances you have with your boss, colleagues, or the company as a whole. Speaking out might feel good in the short-term, but it will likely come back to haunt you.
Keep Working Through Your Last Day
As long as you’re getting paid, you need to keep working. While tempting, it’s extremely unprofessional to show up late, leave early, and do barely any work in between. Any unfinished assignments you leave will likely end up on your co-workers’ plates, so don’t let this be your legacy at the company.
You’re far too talented to keep wasting your talents on a job you no longer find fulfilling. Management Registry, Inc. is here to help you find a rewarding new opportunity, so get in touch today to start your search!